Access is top issue in local foods

Access is top issue in local foods

House party draws applause for local foods!

by Leah López, Community Organizer

By the glow of a setting September sun, we ate and drank and laughed and talked food.
Alliance members and invited guests spent two evenings in September listening to stories told by producers, teachers, business owners and engaged community members at food parties in Grand Junction and Paonia.

The goal of these evenings was to learn how the Alliance could best address the food and agriculture needs of the Western Slope by hearing from a variety of people along the chain of production.

The most talked about topic was that of access – more specifically, consumers’ access to:

  • information about locations of and specific offerings of local producers,
  • affordable local products,
  • transportation and the time required to visit dispersed farms, and
  • nutrition education and knowing how to prepare and store fresh food.

Other questions raised included:

  • Are regulations that are imposed on small producers creating too big a burden? Are they necessary?
  • What does it take to get locally-sourced food into schools, restaurants and hospitals?
  • How can we help create a culture of healthy eating in our communities?
  • Alliance members are excitedly shaping the direction of our food and agriculture work for 2019, and will continue these important conversations.

If you have a passion for food and agriculture and a desire to see the Western Slope be more healthy, just and self-reliant, please join us! Contact Leah to learn more at