Alliance 101: Come get to know us better on March 15!

Alliance 101: Come get to know us better on March 15!

We wanted to be sure you knew about our special event we’re hosting next week: Alliance 101 is a new series of events designed to introduce our Alliance’s work to newcomers wanting to get involved with our efforts to make Western Colorado communities more healthy, just, and self-reliant. We expect to conduct some live, face-to-face events in the near future, but this first event is a free online event next Wednesday, March 15, at 6 pm. 

Join us for a general introduction to Western Colorado Alliance’s multi-pronged work over the past 43 years. With the Colorado General Assembly currently in the middle of a hugely important legislative cycle, we’ll then drill down to discuss our legislative work specifically, with Political Director Joel Dyar and Alliance member Monica Wiitanen. Monica will detail the work our Alliance did in passing the Cottage Foods Act in 2012, and how that work can be a blueprint for future efforts. 

You’ll have a much better idea of how our Alliance works, and get the chance to rub elbows with other new friends and members.

You can register for our event at this link. We look forward to seeing you Wednesday evening at the first Alliance 101 event!

About the author

Brian joined Western Colorado Alliance as a community organizer in April 2020. With a professional background in elections and the court system, Brian specializes in working with our partners to shape oil and gas policy. Having grown up on the Western Slope, he is committed to working toward a strong, sustainable future for our community. Brian also volunteers with Mesa County Library’s literacy and pathway to citizenship programs. As an avid board game enthusiast, he enjoys opportunities to strategize and build winning coalitions. Brian received his bachelor's degree in political science from Colorado Mesa University, and his master’s degree in public administration from the University of Colorado Denver’s School of Public Affairs.