An amazing trip — and an important bill for energy independence!

An amazing trip — and an important bill for energy independence!

Last week Western Colorado Alliance brought 30 participants to the Colorado Capitol for our 2020 People’s Lobby Trip!

This was by far the largest group we’ve had in the history of the People’s Lobby Trip.

Eleven of our participants were West Slope Youth Vote interns from three counties and representing 5 high schools. They introduced legislators to our newly compiled West Slope Youth Voices Report, which is a culmination of hundreds of surveys conducted by the students with their peers in the classrooms. Check it out here to see what issues West Slope youth have identified as most important to them.

Our other lobby trip attendees represented eight counties in western Colorado and prioritized bills that focus on clean and renewable energy, sustainability, mental health needs, and rural economic success.

Check out the Lobby Trip photos collage above using this legend!

1. West Slope Youth Vote students were able to discuss issues and share their work with Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser at the Conservation Community’s Legislative Reception.

2. Western Colorado Alliance Political & Organizing Director Jeriel Clark presents all 30 participants of the 2020 People’s Lobby Trip participants. (A few were shyer than others.)

3. Just some of our hard-working West Slope Youth Vote interns. Following the Lobby Trip, Western Colorado Alliance received feedback from the offices of legislators saying how impressed they were with the professionalism and knowledge of the students.

4. Overall, we had productive conversations with 11 West Slope legislators, including Rep. Don Coram (R-HD6) (seen here conversing with Lobby Trip participants) and Rep. Dylan Roberts (D-HD26).

About the author

Jeriel joined the Western Colorado Alliance staff in February 2017 (back when we were still Western Colorado Congress), but you may remember her as our Canvass Director for the successful Minimum Wage ballot initiative in 2016! In her young career, Jeriel has worked with engaged citizens across Colorado on issues ranging from veterans' affairs, healthcare and women’s rights. Jeriel has called Grand Junction and the Western Slope home for 16 years, and enjoys running, hiking, biking and crafting with her daughter Emma.