Emily Hornback

January 14, 2019

State rules against health and safety on the heels of approving “the worst drilling application” in a residential area

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 14, 2019 State rules against health and safety on the heels of approving “the worst drilling application” in a residential […]
December 18, 2018

Schools gain greater buffer from oil and gas facilities

Today, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) unanimously passed a rule that will require new oil and gas development to be set back 1,000 […]
November 29, 2018

Oil & gas activists hopeful despite ballot defeat

by Emily Hornback, Staff Director Proposition 112, an initiative to move new oil and gas facilities 2,500 feet away from homes, schools, streams and other sensitive […]
October 19, 2018

Judge cites climate in rejecting BLM plan to double drilling

[from a joint press release with Wilderness Workshop, Western Environmental Law Center, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club] On October 17, Judge Lewis T. Babcock […]
July 30, 2018

Stand for Our Public Lands

US Dept of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is coming to Steamboat Springs next week and residents are organizing a big western Colorado “welcome” for him to […]
July 27, 2018

Taxpayers to the Oil & Gas Lobby: Time to Pay Your Back Taxes

With a billboard-sized “tax collection” notice in hand, Western Colorado Alliance held a day-of-action aimed at the oil and gas lobby in Colorado. Western Colorado Alliance […]
July 20, 2018

Time to roll up our economic development sleeves

[Note: Learn more about our upcoming event, Building Homegrown Prosperity.] We want life to be simple. We don’t want to have to work three jobs to […]
May 16, 2018

Whitewater drilling plan still flawed

In early April, the Bureau of Land Management issued a “Finding of No Significant Impact” for 108 oil wells proposed in the Grand Junction watershed. Western […]
April 16, 2018

We all deserve clean air

The state is updating clean air rules and we must ensure they protect all of Colorado Join us at an upcoming hearing and stand up for […]