Emily Hornback

June 4, 2016

2016 Legislative Session Wrap Up

2016 Legislative Wrap-up   Good News for Farmers, Eaters, Bakers and Home Canners In one fell swoop, Senate Bill 58 changed two Colorado laws and made […]
June 3, 2016

We must break impasse over siting of oil and gas production

by Rodger Steen, Chairperson of WCC Oil & Gas Committee Letter to the Editor in Grand Junction Sentinel, May 29, 2016 Regarding the impasse in Colorado […]
May 31, 2016

BLM releases long awaited Resource Management Plan

Major decisions ahead for our public lands  Does oil and gas leasing in the North Fork Valley concern you? Do you want more protection for the BLM lands […]
May 10, 2016

Federal Coal Leasing: Our Chance For Reform

The Department of the Interior’s coal leasing program has a huge impact on communities directly affected by coal mining, as well as for our country’s taxpayers […]
May 4, 2016

WCC members win reprieve on Whitewater drilling plan

WCC members and allies are celebrating a victory – or at least a reprieve – after the Bureau of Land Management announced on Friday that it […]
April 20, 2016

Only 3 days left to stop methane waste and pollution!

Only 3 days left to stop methane waste and pollution! Please take a moment to send in a comment today! The deadline for public comment on […]
April 19, 2016

Wins for local agriculture & rain barrels; air quality funding restored in state budget

With only four weeks left in this year’s legislative session, the pace at the state Capitol is fast and furious and WCC is hard at work defending […]
April 5, 2016

Local control over oil and gas bill dies in the Colorado House

Two of three oil and gas related bills have been voted down. WCC legislative and oil and gas leaders react to the vote:  On April 4,  the […]
March 28, 2016

The Trouble with Methane: Panel discussion on March 30

March 30 panel discussion will spotlight the economic, health & environmental impacts of methane in the Grand Valley Please join us this coming Wednesday, March 30, for […]