Jeriel Clark

March 18, 2020

Rolling with the punches — a legislative update

WOW. How is everyone hanging in there? In just a matter of months, weeks, and days – our world as we know it has turned on […]
March 3, 2020

An amazing trip — and an important bill for energy independence!

Last week Western Colorado Alliance brought 30 participants to the Colorado Capitol for our 2020 People’s Lobby Trip! This was by far the largest group we’ve had in […]
February 17, 2020
2019 People's Lobby Trip

A look at the 2020 legislative session

The 2020 Legislative Session is off and running and it looks to be a busy one. Just a few days into the 2020 Colorado legislative session, […]
January 15, 2020
People's Lobby Trip 2020

People’s Lobby Trip 2020

Last year was a heavy session for Colorado, and our state leaders stayed busy long after it ended working right into this year. They are poised […]
November 18, 2019
Chris Campbell

“If your mouth isn’t moving, you aren’t being heard.”

Between the Barn Dance, various membership celebrations, and our Annual Conference, we’ve seen a lot of our members these past few months. But one just keeps […]
November 18, 2019
Students of West Slope Youth Vote

West Slope Youth Vote: A new name, an expanded purpose

In 2018, Western Colorado Alliance hired a summer intern to help develop a pilot program for students to engage their peers in the voting process in […]
October 24, 2019
Vision 2020

How can we fix Colorado’s upside-down tax code?

As you know grassroots democracy is a big part of Western Colorado Alliance’s mission, and we recognize that the relationship between money and democracy often creates […]
September 4, 2019
West Slope Climate Rally

“Our house is on fire.”

This September 20, young people across the world are rising up to defend the future of life on this planet. Grand Junction isn’t going to miss out. […]
July 22, 2019

The Community Center: In loss, there is achievement

Sometimes you lose. A decade of working on political campaigns in rural western Colorado has taught me that. But even in loss, there can be great […]