Big excitement over Grand Junction election results!

Big excitement over Grand Junction election results!

Congratulations to the Grand Junction residents who worked tirelessly to pass Referred Measure 1A, which means Grand Junction will finally get a Community Recreation Center! (This effort has gone on literally decades!)

We’d like to especially celebrate the work of our own Board Chair Andreya Krieves and our Organizing Director Jeriel Clark, who in their time away from Alliance work, put in countless hours on behalf of the Community Rec Center measure. We’d also like to offer congratulations to Cody Kennedy (Cody for GJ) and Jason Nguyen (Jason for Junction) who appear to have won their races. Alliance member Scott Beilfuss currently leads in his race for the At-Large City Council seat against former Chamber of Commerce leader Diane Schwenke by more than 200 votes.

You can read much more about the election results in the Daily Sentinel’s election coverage.

Once the dust settles and the final votes are tallied, we look forward to working with the new City Council members to make Grand Junction a more healthy, just, and self-reliant community!