Big upcoming clean energy events

Big upcoming clean energy events

Solar panel technician

In days of such uncertainty, America’s accelerating transition towards a cleaner and more local energy future is one of our greatest sources of hope and good news — and our Alliance’s Clean Energy team remains hard at work during this physical distancing time.

We’re excited to announce two dynamic, informative new events in the coming weeks. Get the details and save your spot here:

Tri-State Grassroots Power Hour

Zoom Videoconference
Tuesday, September 1 @ 6-7:15 pm

Do you live in a Tri-State electric service territory like Gunnison, Ouray, and San Miguel counties? Our work for a clean energy transition needs you! We’ve got a Tri-State Grassroots Power Hour where you can catch the latest news on the movement to win a cleaner, more affordable, and more local future for Tri-State energy. This action-oriented meeting features a simple Mission of a Month to make a difference for our energy future in your community.

Register here for this monthly Zoom event happening next on Tuesday, Sept. 1 from 6-7 pm.

State of Tri-State Special Briefing

Zoom Videoconference
Wednesday, September 23 @ 6-6:45 pm

For years, Tri-State Generation & Transmission has been among the costliest and dirtiest energy suppliers across the country. In the past year, member voices and grassroots leadership have won historic reforms for clean energy, coal community transition, and greater accountability at Tri-State. The next year is pivotal to cementing current reforms and closing the deal for Tri-State’s clean energy transition.

Get caught up on all you need to know about what’s happening at rural Colorado’s biggest energy supplier, and what’s coming, with this fascinating deep dive into Tri-State’s current situation. This 30 minute presentation will feature voices from across Colorado on the historic ERP rulemaking underway at the CO Public Utilities Commission, market changes in clean energy and fossil fuels, and what rural electric co-ops can do to advance new local clean energy and jobs.

Register here for this special Zoom briefing happening Wednesday, September 23 from 6-6:30 pm.

About the author

Joel Dyar joined our Alliance as organizer for clean and renewable energy in 2019. As a 15-year veteran of community organizing in Colorado and six countries, Joel has worked to help social movements and everyday residents discover their power and make their voices heard on a broad spectrum of sustainability, social, and legislative issues. Joel brings a Masters of Community Development and graduate studies in renewable energy and green business to his work on behalf of our energy future.