
July 23, 2019
Summer Clarion

Summer Clarion 2019

The latest issue of our newsletter, the Clarion is now out. This is a special edition of the Clarion, prepared for our 39th Annual Conference, which is coming up on August […]
July 23, 2019
Leslie Robinson addresses reporters

Leslie Robinson: Always busy, always inspiring

The Alliance would like to highlight the contributions made to Western Colorado by Leslie Robinson. Leslie is the chair of the Grand Valley Citizens Alliance, one […]
July 23, 2019

Celebrating our members in 2019!

We want to give a huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who became a new or renewing member during our membership drive in May and June. […]
July 23, 2019
Roger and Tina Carver

RECLAIM update

Alliance members Roger and Tina Carver from Nucla, CO traveled to Washington D.C. in June to lobby in support the RECLAIM Act and the extension of […]
July 23, 2019
Tri-State logo

Tri-State and the battle for clean energy in rural Colorado

1.3 million rural consumers across Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Nebraska depend on the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association for their power. While Tri-State is indispensable […]
July 23, 2019

Secretary candidate Andreya Krieves

A second candidate is being put forward by our Alliance’s Nominations Committee for the office of Alliance Secretary: Andreya Krieves. Andreya Krieves lives in Mesa County […]
July 23, 2019
Kevin and Bobbie Kuns

Kevin Kuns nominated for VP

This year, our Alliance’s Nominations Committee is putting Kevin Kuns forward as a candidate for Alliance Vice President. Kevin worked as an executive in the restaurant […]
July 22, 2019

Western Colorado Alliance 2020 Platform

From 1983 through 2017, Alliance members adopted resolutions at our annual conference to shape the organization’s policy and issue work. While the resulting 100+ resolutions covered […]
July 22, 2019
2019 Annual Conference Logo

Western Colorado Alliance 39th Annual Conference – Panelists

With other guests to be announced!