
December 18, 2018

Schools gain greater buffer from oil and gas facilities

Today, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) unanimously passed a rule that will require new oil and gas development to be set back 1,000 […]
December 10, 2018

Let’s have one set of rules for oil & gas

by Rodger Steen, chair of the Alliance’s Oil & Gas Committee [also appearing in the December 9 Grand Junction Daily Sentinel] The Nov. 29, 2018 letter […]
November 29, 2018

Youth Voter interns boost registration

by Jeriel Clark, Community Organizer Starting with 15 interns this summer, our Western Slope Youth Voter Initiative has since doubled in size to more than 30 […]
November 29, 2018

Oil & gas activists hopeful despite ballot defeat

by Emily Hornback, Staff Director Proposition 112, an initiative to move new oil and gas facilities 2,500 feet away from homes, schools, streams and other sensitive […]
November 29, 2018

Community center team preps for April ballot

by Andreya Krieves, Grand Junction The team that has worked for three years towards its vision for a Grand Junction Community Center has much to celebrate […]
November 29, 2018

Access is top issue in local foods

by Leah López, Community Organizer By the glow of a setting September sun, we ate and drank and laughed and talked food. Alliance members and invited […]
November 29, 2018

Kelso Mesa up on roadless chopping block

by Jim Riddell, Grand Junction What comes to mind when you think of Roadless Areas? My first thought is: uninterrupted, undivided, undisturbed. Then my next thought […]
November 29, 2018

San Juan Wilderness: A very good bill…becoming perfect

by Leah López, Community Organizer The San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act (SJMWA) hit a roadblock this fall after US Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO)raised concerns with the […]
November 14, 2018

With defeat of Prop 112, attention shifts to Air Quality Commission

by Dave Devanney, Battlement Mesa also printed as a Guest Commentary in the Denver Post, 11/9/2018 Oil and gas development is reaching into every nook and […]