
January 14, 2021

The Political Moment and a 2021 Legislative Preview

Despite being only two weeks in, it’s been a long year so far, and we hope you’re staying safe and healthy. Before we can give you […]
December 9, 2020

The 10 Bills of Special Session

Shortly after the November election, with COVID-19 cases surging and no federal relief compromise in sight, Gov. Jared Polis called a special session for the state […]
August 27, 2020

An exhausting & unprecedented legislative session

In a daily evolving landscape at least one thing is certain, the 2020 Legislative Session is done. With a two and a half month recess from […]
June 23, 2020

Wait, what just happened? A closer look at the last few days of Colorado’s legislature

The 2020 Colorado legislative session officially adjourned Sine Die on June 15. They won’t be back in session now until January 2021. 2020 will be a […]
June 5, 2020

COVID relief, police reform, & the reconvening of the 2020 legislative session

As unpredictable as this year has been, the legislature reconvened last Tuesday with a seemingly solid plan to finish out the 2020 legislative session — all […]
May 11, 2020

2020 People’s Lobby Trip smashed records

April 8, 2020

April 2020 Colorado Legislative Update

By now you’ve probably heard that Governor Polis has extended the statewide Stay-At-Home order to Sunday, April 26, as well as reiterated the call for individuals […]
March 20, 2020

2020 People’s Lobby Trip Gallery

March 18, 2020

Rolling with the punches — a legislative update

WOW. How is everyone hanging in there? In just a matter of months, weeks, and days – our world as we know it has turned on […]