
March 16, 2017

Protect school kids – not just school buildings – from fracking

Ask your legislators to support House Bill 1256! Exciting news: a bill that we and our allies have been eagerly awaiting has finally dropped in the […]
March 9, 2017

WCC’s 2017 Legislative Priorities

WCC has identified some top priorities for the 2017 state legislative session – here are the highlights: Gasfield justice Local Government Liable Fracking Ban Oil and […]
March 9, 2017

Up close and personal with the state legislature

By Emily Hornback, Organizer A record number of WCC members participated in our People’s Lobby Trip to Denver at the end of February – which was […]
February 22, 2017

Act now to stop bad public lands, oil & gas bills!

This week, two bills that will negatively impact two of WCC’s biggest issues face their first test in the Colorado House this Wednesday, Feb. 22. Please contact your […]
June 4, 2016

2016 Legislative Session Wrap Up

2016 Legislative Wrap-up   Good News for Farmers, Eaters, Bakers and Home Canners In one fell swoop, Senate Bill 58 changed two Colorado laws and made […]
April 19, 2016

Wins for local agriculture & rain barrels; air quality funding restored in state budget

With only four weeks left in this year’s legislative session, the pace at the state Capitol is fast and furious and WCC is hard at work defending […]
April 5, 2016

Local control over oil and gas bill dies in the Colorado House

Two of three oil and gas related bills have been voted down. WCC legislative and oil and gas leaders react to the vote:  On April 4,  the […]
March 22, 2016

Support House Bill 1355 – Local Control over Oil and Gas Activities

This bill would reaffirm the ability of local governments to exercise land use authority over oil and gas development within their jurisdiction. This common-sense idea is […]
February 29, 2016

State bill would level the oil & gas playing field

Email your senator to ensure the COGCC works for people, not industry It’s not often a good oil and gas bill gets introduced in the Colorado […]