
February 17, 2016

Colorado Legislature in full swing

Rain barrels are back, OHV legislation advances, poultry processing bill introduced The legislature is in full swing and things are moving fast. As the fifth week […]
June 19, 2015

State control could look a lot like Texas

by Charlie Kerr, Grand Junction While the Colorado legislature this spring debated two bills as first steps toward the transfer of control over federal lands to […]
June 8, 2015

Expansion of cottage foods law adds another chapter to Paonia baker’s cookbook

Paying it forward for pickle makers When Gov. John Hickenlooper signed the Cottage Foods Expansion Act last Friday, he added another chapter to Monica Wiitanen’s political […]
May 22, 2015

Expansion of Cottage Foods law passes!

Win on “Pickle Law” tops WCC’s 2015 legislative scorecard by Rachel Zatterstrom, WCC Organizer While the 2015 state legislative session, which ended on May 6, was […]
April 27, 2015

Protect Colorado’s Initiative Process

House Bill 15-1057 is an obvious scheme to weaken the power of everyday citizens to put initiatives on the ballot. Since 1910, the people of Colorado […]
April 14, 2015

Urge your State Rep to support Cottage Foods bill!

WCC’s Cottage Foods Expansion bill (House Bill 15-1102) passed its second hurdle on Friday, April 10, passing out of the House Appropriations Committee with a 11-2 […]
March 30, 2015

Public land seizure bills advance in Denver

KEEP IT PUBLIC Colorado is fortunate to contain 24 million acres of national public lands, most of which are located here on the Western Slope. From […]
March 16, 2015

People’s Lobby Trip a huge success!

Cottage Foods Expansion advances; your action needed on bad public lands bill by Rachel Zatterstrom, WCC Community Organizer Each year, WCC takes a delegation of members […]
February 18, 2015

Governor’s oil and gas task force must prove its mettle

By Karen Sjoberg, printed in the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel Feb 15th  It’s crunch time for the governor’s task force on oil and gas. This is the […]