
April 16, 2018

We all deserve clean air

The state is updating clean air rules and we must ensure they protect all of Colorado Join us at an upcoming hearing and stand up for […]
April 6, 2018

Deadline extended to June 2: Comment to protect your forests!

Draft Forest Plan will impact wilderness, wildlife and the places you love! Let the Forest Service know you support the Citizens’ Proposal for the GMUG Forests […]
April 6, 2018

$1.9 billion and counting…

Tell Secretary of Interior Zinke to stop the waste by April 23 Delay in implementing BLM’s Methane Rule costs taxpayers millions “When you vent and flare […]
January 10, 2018

The March is On!

On Saturday January 20, join dozens of community groups for the 2nd Annual Western Colorado Women’s March. This march follows the Women’s March of 2017 where over […]
November 22, 2017

WCC is Hiring!

Looking for an exciting challenge and an opportunity to make change happen? Consider joining the WCC staff team! WCC is advertising for a couple of full-time […]
October 10, 2017

‘Growing Water Smart’ aims for balanced supply and demand

Guest post from the Sonoran Institute  Officials from six Front Range and Western Slope communities returned home with a greater understanding of how integrated water and […]
September 19, 2017

Hearing extended on Battlement Mesa drilling proposal

Home owners in trailer park not notified of plans to drill On Wednesday, September 13, the Garfield County Planning and Zoning Commission heard testimony on “Battlement […]
September 18, 2017

Building relationships with our legislators

WCC’s Legislative Committee is in the midst of in-district meetings with our state-level elected officials. So far, in partnership with the leadership of WCC’s local affiliate […]
September 18, 2017
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Tell Congress to support Dream Act

Please contact US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) at: (202) 225-4761 in Washington DC or (970) 241-2499 in Grand Junction and urge him to support the 2017 […]