Oil & Gas

February 20, 2015

Hold the Oil & Gas Task Force to Task!

Oil & Gas Task Force deadline is Feb. 27 The clock is ticking for the Governor’s Oil & Gas Task Force, which has been meeting for […]
February 18, 2015

Governor’s oil and gas task force must prove its mettle

By Karen Sjoberg, printed in the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel Feb 15th  It’s crunch time for the governor’s task force on oil and gas. This is the […]
February 16, 2015

O&G task force failing to protect health

by Leslie Robinson, Grand Valley Citizens Alliance Because of negative experiences western Garfield County residents were encountering with oil-and-gas development, the Grand Valley Citizens Alliance (GVCA) […]
January 22, 2015

146 gas wells proposed near McClure Pass

by Emily Hornback, WCC Organizer On January 16, the Bureau of Land Manaagement (BLM) published a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposed Bull Mountain […]
January 22, 2015

Update to Cottage Foods Law tops WCC legislative agenda

by Rachel Zatterstrom, WCC Organizer The 2015 Legislative Session is in full swing in Denver and WCC is organizing grassroots voices to participate in the state […]
November 24, 2014

Blue Ribbon team tackles oil & gas

by Frank Smith, WCC Director of Organizing Shortly before the November elections, Governor John Hickenlooper tasked a panel of experts to consider updates to Colorado’s laws […]
September 18, 2014

Forum examines Grand Valley air quality

You are invited to attend a panel discussion on air quality in the Grand Valley, including information on current conditions, the future of citizen-based air pollution […]
August 27, 2014

Respond to oil & gas tirade!

Earlier this month, Western Colorado Congress was sucker-punched by the fracking industry. We shouldn’t have been surprised, but a Western Slope Colorado Oil & Gas Association […]
August 6, 2014

Deal struck on O&G ballot measures

Big News This Week: Ballot measures related to oil & gas will not be on the Colorado ticket this November. On the day petitions were to […]