Oil & Gas

March 17, 2020

Conservation and community organizations respond to COGCC’s new draft rules to put health and safety first

DENVER – Today, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) released new draft rules to implement SB19-181, Protect Public Welfare Oil and Gas Operations. These rules are a critical […]
February 17, 2020

A big win for clean air in Western Colorado

The Alliance secured an important win with the Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) last December. New rules were adopted during the last AQCC rulemaking process which […]
February 12, 2020

Protecting your voice

Yesterday, dozens of people testified in Denver before the White House Council on Environmental Quality regarding the Trump administration’s proposal that would weaken National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) […]
February 3, 2020

They’re trying to change the rules…

For 50 years, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has provided guidance to federal agencies in identifying and publicly disclosing any significant environmental, social, economic, or public health impacts a federal action may have before a decision is made. But now, NEPA protections are under attack like never before.
December 19, 2019

West Slope local communities big winners in state’s new air quality rules

DENVER (Dec. 19) The Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) today voted unanimously to adopt strong new emissions rules for the oil and gas industry.  For […]
November 19, 2019

Oil & Gas rulemaking on the Western Slope

With the passage of the Protect Public Welfare Oil And Gas Operations (SB19-181) the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) has changed its mission from […]
October 15, 2019

Tell the BLM: No Lease Sales Until We Have the Data

The BLM is currently analyzing 27 parcels for the March 2020 Oil and Gas lease sale. Those parcels contain over 20,000 acres, 100% of which is […]
September 9, 2019

Air Quality Hearing in GJ

State air pollution staff members are hosting a public meeting in Grand Junction tomorrow, September 10, at the Grand Junction City Hall Auditorium from 4 pm to 8 pm. The purpose of this meeting is […]
September 3, 2019

Air quality workshops scheduled for Sept. 5

State air pollution staff members are hosting a public meeting in Grand Junction on September 10 at the Grand Junction City Hall Auditorium. Under discussion will be the implementation of […]