Oil & Gas

July 20, 2018

Battlement Mesa awaits ruling on ‘most reckless’ proposal

Battlement Concerned Citizens are enduring a summer of suspense as they await a final decision from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) on a […]
May 16, 2018

Whitewater drilling plan still flawed

In early April, the Bureau of Land Management issued a “Finding of No Significant Impact” for 108 oil wells proposed in the Grand Junction watershed. Western […]
April 16, 2018

We all deserve clean air

The state is updating clean air rules and we must ensure they protect all of Colorado Join us at an upcoming hearing and stand up for […]
April 6, 2018

$1.9 billion and counting…

Tell Secretary of Interior Zinke to stop the waste by April 23 Delay in implementing BLM’s Methane Rule costs taxpayers millions “When you vent and flare […]
January 22, 2018

Worst Oil & Gas Proposal. Ever.

A new proposed oil and gas well pad location in Battlement Mesa on the Western Slope receives the dubious distinction of being the WORST drilling and […]
October 18, 2017

Stronger air quality regs should apply statewide – not just to Front Range

Residents on the Western Slope appreciate our clear views and blue skies.  However, smog from oil and gas operations is fouling our air – causing localized […]
September 19, 2017

Hearing extended on Battlement Mesa drilling proposal

Home owners in trailer park not notified of plans to drill On Wednesday, September 13, the Garfield County Planning and Zoning Commission heard testimony on “Battlement […]
September 1, 2017

Whitewater drilling proposal draws 300+ comments

After a flurry of activity, the public comment period for a proposal to drill 108 oil wells in the Grand Junction watershed outside of Whitewater came […]
August 10, 2017
photo courtesy of EcoFlight

Protect Grand Junction’s drinking water, comment by August 28

Proposal to drill 108 oil wells in Grand Junction watershed too risky The revised project threatens water and air quality In late June, the Bureau of […]