Public Lands

February 9, 2016

WCC paves the way for collaboration on 120,000 acre spruce beetle plan

Spruce beetle and aspen treatment plan released for final review  After two and a half years of negotiations, the Forest Service released its final proposal to treat over […]
August 24, 2015

BLM to unveil long-awaited Uncompahgre plan

by Matt King, WCC Organizer This fall, the Bureau of Land Management’s Uncompahgre Field Office is expected to release the first draft of its new Resource […]
August 24, 2015

WCC searches for middle ground on spruce & aspen plan

by Emily Hornback, WCC Organizer This July, members of WCC’s Public Lands Committee burned the midnight oil reading through a 700-page Forest Service plan for how […]
July 23, 2015

Comment today on 120,000 acre forest treatment

Tell the Forest Service to scale back this massive forest treatment proposal It could be coming to a forest near you: a 10-year-long project to log, burn or […]
June 19, 2015

State control could look a lot like Texas

by Charlie Kerr, Grand Junction While the Colorado legislature this spring debated two bills as first steps toward the transfer of control over federal lands to […]
June 17, 2015

Massive forest treatment plan proposed

Public presentations scheduled in Montrose, Ouray and Grand Junction The Forest Service has released its long-awaited draft plan to manage spruce beetle and aspen decline impacts […]
May 22, 2015

WCC joins BLM plan protests

76% of managed lands to remain open to oil & gas drilling by Emily Hornback, WCC Organizer In early May, Western Colorado Congress joined with two […]
May 22, 2015

Expansion of Cottage Foods law passes!

Win on “Pickle Law” tops WCC’s 2015 legislative scorecard by Rachel Zatterstrom, WCC Organizer While the 2015 state legislative session, which ended on May 6, was […]
April 27, 2015

Protect Colorado’s Initiative Process

House Bill 15-1057 is an obvious scheme to weaken the power of everyday citizens to put initiatives on the ballot. Since 1910, the people of Colorado […]