Social Justice

July 20, 2018

Yes! Building GJ community center is feasible!

by Marty McDaneld, Grand Junction On July 16, a standing room-only crowd heard the recommendations from PLACE for a Community Center for Grand Junction. The study […]
July 3, 2018

Is a GJ Community & Recreation Center feasible?

You are invited for a first look at the results of the Grand Junction Community Center feasibility study as we present the study’s results to the Grand Junction […]
April 16, 2018

Community center feasibility study entering final stages

Should we have a community center in Grand Junction? Where should it be, what should be in it, and what is the community willing to pay to […]
January 24, 2018

Women’s March: “It’s time to get to work!”

We marched and spoke as one, saying the time for a better America has come. We are organized, we are voting, we are looking out for […]
January 10, 2018

The March is On!

On Saturday January 20, join dozens of community groups for the 2nd Annual Western Colorado Women’s March. This march follows the Women’s March of 2017 where over […]
November 29, 2017

Putting a Face on Immigration Reform

Over 200 people demonstrated their support for the 2017 Dream Act on November 28 by attending the Inside Out Dreamers Project in Grand Junction. Participants took […]
November 21, 2017

Visible Signs of Support for Dreamers

Come have your photo taken in the Inside Out photo truck on Nov. 28, then paste it up as part of this public art installation. Together […]
September 18, 2017
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Tell Congress to support Dream Act

Please contact US Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) at: (202) 225-4761 in Washington DC or (970) 241-2499 in Grand Junction and urge him to support the 2017 […]
July 26, 2017

PLACE wins support from Grand Junction city council

By Mary Sornsin & Andreya Krieves, PLACE team After months of dedicated organizing, PLACE (People for Local Activities & Community Enrichment) spokespersons Andreya Krieves and Kimberly […]