Don’t miss Paul Getsos, author of Tools For Radical Democracy!

Don’t miss Paul Getsos, author of Tools For Radical Democracy!

Western Colorado Alliance is thrilled to announce Paul Getsos will be our keynote speaker at Perspectives, our upcoming 42nd Annual Conference, on August 20!

Paul is a long-time movement leader who works to expand participation by everyday people in the decisions impacting their lives and their communities. Currently serving as the Executive Director of  United Today, Stronger Tomorrow, Paul is working at the intersection of climate change, racial justice and economic inequality to organize rural communities in these times of crisis and recovery. The co-author of an award-winning and widely used book, Tools for Radical Democracy, Paul’s innovative tools drawn from rich history and personal movement experience continue to inspire organizers and social movements across the country.

We’re excited to have Paul join us on August 20. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear a thoughtful and innovative organizing leader discuss the political moment we are in today and what we can do about it. Sign up now — and be sure to let us know which two of the four workshops you’d like to attend at the Conference.

Thank you and hope to see you on August 20!