Grand Valley Power election victory!

Grand Valley Power election victory!

Dr. Gary De Young

Our Alliance just received the results of this week’s board election at Grand Valley Power — the rural electrical cooperative serving Mesa County. This typically low-turnout election saw higher turnout than previous Grand Valley Power elections and some seats were decided by just a few votes. The clean and renewable energy future of the Grand Valley depended on it, and voters came through by electing Gary De Young to the board!

Alliance-supported candidates have made national-level wins at Western Slope rural electric co-ops. Holy Cross Energy to our north and Delta-Montrose Electric to our south are becoming some of the smartest in the country, saving their members tens of millions with cheaper, cleaner, more local energy like utility-scale solar. In many cases, their new solar costs just one-third of what faraway power plants do. 

Grand Valley Power can do the same – by electing good board members like Gary. Before the election, our Alliance vetted the four candidates vying for three seats. We came to the strong conclusion that candidate Dr. Gary De Young would be the best choice for our area. We are excited to see what Dr. De Young accomplishes in his time as a board member with Grand Valley Power.

About the author

Tyler grew up in Grand Junction, graduating from Fruita Monument High School and attending Colorado Mesa University where he graduated in 2016. Since then, Tyler has spent the last six years working on political campaigns of all types from city council and school board up to presidential campaigns at the state level. Tyler is passionate about issues including conservation, energy, and responsible growth of the Western Slope.