Hikes help ‘ground-truth’ characteristics of public lands

Hikes help ‘ground-truth’ characteristics of public lands

Western Colorado Alliance and conservation allies around the Western Slope are planning hikes into the beautiful places we’re all working to protect through the Grand Mesa-Uncompaghre-Gunnison (GMUG) National Forest Plan revision and the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act.

Join us as we find new reasons to love the wild places of western Colorado while also “ground-truthing” or verifying features on Forest Service maps. Visit “Down to Meet” to RSVP and/or find updates on any of these hikes:

  • July 21st – Carson Lake Hike & Happy Hour: Co-sponsored by the Alliance, Conservation Colorado, & Great Old Broads for Wilderness.
  • Aug. 18th – Wildcat Trail Hike & Happy Hour: Co-sponsored by Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Conservation Colorado, and the Alliance.
  • Sept. (to be determined) – Kelso Mesa Hike: Co-sponsored by Western Colorado Alliance, Conservation Colorado, & Great Old Broads for Wilderness. Postponed until cooler weather – check downtomeet.com for updates.