Hikes next two Saturdays!

Hikes next two Saturdays!


WCC members on a recent hike to the Camelback Addition.

Love rugged canyons, petroglyphs and exploring new places? Join WCC & the Uncompahgre Valley Association this Saturday, June 7th, for a hike into Dry Creek Basin west of Montrose. One of only four identified “lands with wilderness characteristics” within the entire 900,000 acre planning area of the Uncompahgre BLM Field Office, Dry Creek is a little known treasure facing slow encroachment from heavy motorized use.

Come learn about the unique qualities of this area & how you can help protect it through the upcoming Resource Management Plan!

Details: The hike will be 3 hours round-trip and of moderate difficulty. The trails are on the primitive side, so boots and hiking poles will be handy.  Please bring layers, good hiking boots, sunscreen, water, and pack a lunch! We will be stopping along the trail to eat lunch, discuss the area, and write comments to submit to the BLM.

We will be meeting at 9 am in the parking lot at the turn-off for Rim Road from Shavano Valley Road (map) to carpool to the trailhead, which is several more miles up a rough dirt road.  Look for a green Toyota Tacoma with a topper and rack. To attend, please RSVP to Emily at 970-256-7650!

Can’t join us this time? Last hike of this series is next Saturday, June 14, to Jumbo Mountain in the North Fork!

The hikes in this series are all located within BLM management areas open for public comment under upcoming Resource Management Plans (RMPs).  These RMPs will guide BLM management actions on everything from energy extraction and development to river management and recreation for the next 20 years, so your comments are crucial in determining the future of our public lands!  Come learn about how to engage in this process, understand the resource issues at stake, and experience the beauty of these special places!

About the author

After working for our Alliance for 32 years, Brenda retired in 2018 and took a two-year hiatus before rejoining the fold as a board member. She is a treasure trove of little known facts about the organization after managing everything from the membership database to our communications. Her other interests include dabbling in a number of artforms, hiking, botany (her college major), t'ai chi and chi gung, and swing dancing. With roots in western Washington state, she has lived in Montrose with her husband Kevin since 1984.