Hiking Lone Cone Peak

Hiking Lone Cone Peak

The view from Lone Cone Peak

On Saturday, September 28, 2019, Leah Lopez, our intrepid organizer for Western Colorado Alliance, met my wife Diana and me in the wilds of Norwood, Colorado.

I am ashamed to say, if it had not been for the invitation that Leah sent out, it would never have occurred to me to pile my wife into the car for the 2.5-hour trek out that way to Lone Cone Peak from Grand Junction. I am so glad I did!

We had the option of doing the summit hike, which would have required we arrive in Norwood by 8 am (a little too early for my wife and me) or arrive at the leisurely hour of 10 am. We chose the latter, and there was Leah waiting with coffee and waivers in hand.

We were given handy and accurate driving maps to get to the trailhead from Norwood and invited to carpool because parking at that remote spot, Lone Cone Peak, was limited.

While we waited in Norwood, Wink Davis and George Lewis arrived.
So we then jumped into two high clearance vehicles that would handle the terrain up to the trailhead.

We drove for about another hour, give or take, but I found it a privilege to share that time with such a great group of inspiring folks, each with their particular reason for wanting to protect our public lands.

At the trailhead, we met Doug and his faithful hound Rusty who managed to startle a blue grouse into flight (Rusty did) making to trip all the more special.

As we made the hike, I guess four miles round-trip, we celebrated the wonderful gift of conversation. Of course, we might have met each other earlier at Western Colorado Alliance annual meetings, but this was a different vibe: more comfortable, natural. Each interested in the other, while at the same time reveling in this marvelous, unique piece of Colorado public land.

Once we made our way to the rendezvous point with the earlier hikers, we took some pictures commemorating the event and the land. Upon finishing the hike, Leah handed out comment sheets, enabling all of us to explain to the National Forest folks what we loved about this place and what we want them to do to protect it. What a great way to spend a Saturday! Thank you, Leah and Western Colorado Alliance for getting us out there!

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