Montrose County, have you ever been asked before?

Montrose County, have you ever been asked before?

With much success, our deep listening work continues! This summer, we’re knocking on the doors of Western Colorado residents who are often left behind in our divided world today and simply asking them what daily problems they’ve been facing. No selling, no persuasion — just listening.

And the experience has been transformative. People aren’t just willing, they’re eager to share their stories. For some of the people we’ve been talking to, our conversation was the first time someone from an organization like ours has asked them what is impacting their lives. This work is not a typical canvass, and time and again, people thank our volunteers for coming to their door.

We invite you to join us in this transformative experience. Come listen with us this month. We have three short and convenient shifts coming up in Montrose in July:

Taking part in a shift is very easy. I’ll be in touch to tell you where we’ll be meeting. (Our first shift next week will start at Buckley Park.) I’ll show you the simple procedure, and you’ll always be part of a team. You’re never alone! No experience is needed to join the fun. And organizers will be available for an hour before shifts begin to ensure you are prepared and briefed.

I’ll show you exactly how easy it is next week, but in the meantime, we’ll be so happy to have you join us!

About the author

Bianca Diaz hails from northeast Florida, and brings a background in volunteer management, activism, and community building. She worked in the procurement world for a few years before making the big leap to move out west. She landed a position as an AmeriCorps VISTA with Colorado Canyons Association and the Bureau of Land Management to connect youth and families to the three National Conservation Areas here on the Western Slope. During her year of service, she realized that helping people and working to solve the root causes of our most pressing social issues was her true passion. Off the clock, she loves reading random Wikipedia articles, listening to music, taking care of her worm compost bins, walking her dog, and stargazing!