It’s time to fix a broken system!

It’s time to fix a broken system!

There are just a few days left to sign our petition to the Department of Interior demanding improvements to America’s leaky oil and gas program.

Our petition demands that the Biden Administration:

  • Make lease auctions more competitive
  • Require oil and gas companies to clean up after themselves
  • Avoid leasing huge areas with little potential for oil and gas development
  • Increase transparency and public engagement during the leasing process
  • And make other changes to move the Bureau of Land Management’s stewardship more in line with the public’s interest in protecting public lands and wildlife

You can read all the details on the petition page. If you have already signed on, thank you for your support! If not, please take three minutes now and sign our petition to stop Wall Street speculation and operator negligence from despoiling public lands that are vital to our Western Slope recreation economies, protecting wildlife, and should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

About the author

Brian joined Western Colorado Alliance as a community organizer in April 2020. With a professional background in elections and the court system, Brian specializes in working with our partners to shape oil and gas policy. Having grown up on the Western Slope, he is committed to working toward a strong, sustainable future for our community. Brian also volunteers with Mesa County Library’s literacy and pathway to citizenship programs. As an avid board game enthusiast, he enjoys opportunities to strategize and build winning coalitions. Brian received his bachelor's degree in political science from Colorado Mesa University, and his master’s degree in public administration from the University of Colorado Denver’s School of Public Affairs.