Join us for COOL Week of Action, Jan. 24 – 28!

Join us for COOL Week of Action, Jan. 24 – 28!

We have a great opportunity to join our allies at Western Organization Resource Council (WORC) in supporting local food producers!

The American Beef Labeling Act (S. 2716) is gaining momentum! As you may know, WORC and its allies have been building public support to reinstate mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) for several years, and the American Beef Labeling Act is the real deal. This bill has bipartisan support (five Republicans and five Democrats), addresses the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerns, and would prevent deceptive practices which allows foreign beef to be labeled “Product of the USA.”

You deserve the right to know where your beef comes from. You should choose where your beef is produced, not the corporate meatpackers. Without COOL, you may be eating beef from anywhere. We won’t get mandatory COOL reinstated through the Senate without more cosponsors though — and that’s why we are organizing a week of action, January 24-28. Will you join us to help make phone calls to members in the WORC network and urge them to call their senators to support mandatory COOL? It will be fun, and we’ll provide everything you need to have great conversations!

The phonebanks will be on:

Tuesday, January 25, from 6-8 pm [MST]

Wednesday, January 26, from 6-8 pm [MST]

Thursday, January 27 from 6-8 pm [MST]

Do you prefer to write letters or have other ideas? If you are in for making calls or taking other action, fill out this form here.

It takes a grassroots movement of people to stand up to the corporate meat packers. We invite you to be a part of it! For more information and resources about the American Beef Labeling Act and COOL, check out WORC’s webpage here. Stay tuned for updates and shareable social media on Facebook and Twitter.

2022 is the year we bring COOL back!

About the author

Before moving to Grand Junction, Nick was a teacher on the front range. His wife and he moved to Grand Junction in 2018 and have loved living here ever since. Nick has been involved in several local campaigns. Nick worked with Western Colorado Alliance in the Grand Junction community center campaign and helped during the 2020 Lobby Trip to Denver before officially becoming an organizer specializing in the areas of public lands and local foods.