Just Transition funding is ONE VOTE AWAY!

Just Transition funding is ONE VOTE AWAY!

As you know, our members have been working to ensure that Colorado coal closure communities have a healthy, just, and self-reliant future. We won the creation of a first-in-the-nation Colorado Office of Just Transition. We won a multi-year listening process where state officials wrote a plan in concert with local voices and impacted people. We won a great comprehensive plan on what can be done. 

And in 2022, when funding for the Just Transition Plan looked like it wouldn’t happen, our members worked with legislators of both parties to get it back on the agenda. Now, the funding needed to get new community and economic development rocking in rural Colorado is one vote away in the Colorado Senate. It will come at any time. 

As soon as you can, please click here to send a short message to key Senators before the big floor vote. 

Thank you for making a difference for the future of rural Colorado.

About the author

Joel Dyar joined our Alliance as organizer for clean and renewable energy in 2019. As a 15-year veteran of community organizing in Colorado and six countries, Joel has worked to help social movements and everyday residents discover their power and make their voices heard on a broad spectrum of sustainability, social, and legislative issues. Joel brings a Masters of Community Development and graduate studies in renewable energy and green business to his work on behalf of our energy future.