Legislative victories on pollution!

Legislative victories on pollution!

The Colorado Legislature just wrapped up for 2022. What went down?

Here are some of the big deal pollution and health bills passed this year: 

  • Perfluoroalkyl And Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals creates protections from PFAS chemicals, which are included in many consumer goods and ultimately linger for long times in human and animal tissues and waterways. Some products will now require safety labels and some products will be banned entirely.

    Learn more here: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb22-1345
  • Public Protections From Toxic Air Contaminants creates a new Colorado program to control harmful air toxics. The CO Air Quality Control Commission must now make a list of dangerous chemicals and set safe standards for them. Polluters will have to disclose their emissions levels and the state gains funding for several air monitoring stations.

    Learn more here: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb22-1244
  • Producer Responsibility Program For Recycling creates one of the nation’s most ambitious recycling programs. A new appointed board of 13 Coloradans will work to design a statewide solution to improve materials recycling. New services will be funded by fees on the sellers of those materials. Most recyclable materials are covered. The devil will be in the details and we’ll be closely following this process.

    Learn more here: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb22-1355
About the author

Joel Dyar joined our Alliance as organizer for clean and renewable energy in 2019. As a 15-year veteran of community organizing in Colorado and six countries, Joel has worked to help social movements and everyday residents discover their power and make their voices heard on a broad spectrum of sustainability, social, and legislative issues. Joel brings a Masters of Community Development and graduate studies in renewable energy and green business to his work on behalf of our energy future.