Let’s get LOGICal!

Let’s get LOGICal!

You are not alone.

That’s the message of a new statewide organization that launched in January to unite communities coping with current or proposed oil and gas development.

The League of Oil and Gas Impacted Coloradans – LOGIC – emerged from the coalition of community-based groups that worked together to try to influence the recent state oil and gas rulemaking process.

WCC and Grand Valley Citizens Alliance played leading roles in LOGIC’s formation and have a representative on its board. Other groups involved represent the North Fork Valley, and Weld and Adams counties on the Front Range.

LOGIC will give our communities a much stronger collective voice in the statewide media, and greater clout in the legislature and state agencies. Like WCC, LOGIC doesn’t oppose oil and gas development per se, but rather seeks to reform state policies to ensure that people and communities aren’t unfairly impacted by it.

LOGIC is already throwing in behind a couple of bills being proposed in the state legislature, and we expect it to play a growing role in state oil and gas policy in the long term. We’re excited to be part of this movement! You can find out more at www.coloradologic.org.