Our Alliance Board candidates this year

Our Alliance Board candidates this year

Candidate for President: Andreya Krieves

Andreya Krieves lives in Mesa County and has served on the Western Colorado Alliance board of directors since 2016. Her professional background is in secondary education, having taught middle and high school in Colorado, Texas, and New York. Since moving to Grand Junction in 2013, she has worked on local campaign committees serving as Chair for the GJ Community Center Campaign and Volunteer Coordinator for the 2019 School District 51 Bond Campaign.

Andreya is the current secretary on the Western Colorado Alliance board, serves as one of our Alliance’s representatives to Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC) board, and chairs the Grand Valley Parks and Recreation Foundation. She also works for the District 51 Foundation and teaches yoga. Andreya is an avid runner and skier and enjoys exploring the outdoors with her husband and two young boys.

Candidate for Treasurer: Bill Wellman

Born and raised in North Carolina, Bill moved to the west in 1973 to work at Theodore Roosevelt NP in North Dakota. After a 41-year career with the National Park Service, he and his wife retired in Crawford, Colorado in 2012.

During his career, he served as superintendent of eight National Park units including Great Sand Dunes, Curecanti, and Black Canyon of the Gunnison here in Colorado. Most of the final years of his career were spent on the Mexican border at Organ Pipe Cactus NM and Big Bend NP dealing with natural resource and international issues.

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