Our certainty in an uncertain world

Our certainty in an uncertain world

Steve Allerton

Uncertainty is a word I’ve heard many times during these months of COVID-19, as we live each moment not really knowing what the future may hold. It’s a word I wrote about in my first Clarion column as President of then Western Colorado Congress. “It feels to me that we are entering uncertain times,” I wrote. Little did I know! Inspired by the words of Joanna Macy, I continued, “It is my hope that we come together, liberate our creativity and our courage in order to create an even stronger western Colorado.”

I believe we have done just that!

After a challenging and purposeful rebranding effort, Western Colorado Congress became Western Colorado Alliance for Community Action. Clear and meaningful mission and vision statements were crafted and a Platform that defines our values and guides our work was developed — creativity and courage at its best.

It has been an honor and privilege to serve as President these last four years. The work, however, could not have been accomplished without the incredible support and dedication of the Board and staff. With that, I thank both former and current board members for their wisdom and passion while not just governing but working hard on issues they care about in their communities. So too, I recognize with great appreciation those who have worked together and created a staff that inspires and holds tightly the artistry of community organizing. To all of our members and supporters that testify, write the letters, attend the meetings, and show up in innumerable ways, I thank you.

Western Colorado Alliance’s journey will continue with new leadership, new faces, new challenges, and amazing accomplishments. Of that I am certain.

About the author

Steve left the teaching profession in 2014 and has entered “refinement,” a term he coined to use in place of “retirement.” For Steve, refinement is about digging into those things he loves: family and grandsons (3), music, backpacking/hiking with his wife and friends, and helping to create healthy soils in which to grow vegetables for the community. He is also a leader in our Mesa County chapter's clean energy program. Steve is a former President of the Western Colorado Alliance Board of Directors.