Please welcome our new West Slope Youth Voice interns!

Please welcome our new West Slope Youth Voice interns!

West Slope Youth Voice, our Alliance’s affiliated non-partisan youth organization, has been very active recently. As Regional Organizer Tyler McDermott begins to work with the students, we’ve seen inspiring commitment from some of the young people who fill the WSYV ranks!

The organization held its first General Assembly on June 13. Over pizza and snacks, a collection of students — some of them veterans and some of them new faces — gathered at Western Colorado Alliance headquarters to shape their agenda for the coming year.

Also, congratulations go out to Kenya Contreras and Anna Respet, who have been selected as our Alliance’s West Slope Youth Voice lead interns!

Kenya is 17 and a senior at Central High School. She’s a student senate member, as well as a wrestler for the School District 51 girls wrestling team. She joined WSYV in order to represent and advocate for fellow students and to unite our community. Kenya is very excited to be part of the voting campaign and to help get young adults involved in our government.

Anna is also 17 and will be a senior in the IB program at Palisade High School. Some of her passions and hobbies include competitive mountain biking and rock climbing, National Honor Society, dogs, being outdoors, and hanging out with friends. She has been a part of WSYV for four years and is most excited for the lobby trip early next year.