Polis Appoints New COGCC Members

Polis Appoints New COGCC Members


Governor Jared Polis announced on Friday the appointment of members to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC). Until July 1, 2020, the members of the Commission will be:

Brenda Haun of Grover, Colorado, to serve as an agricultural production or royalty member.

Erin Overturf of Denver, Colorado, to serve as an environmental protection member.

Howard Boigon of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a member with experience in the oil and gas industry.

John Messner of Gunnison, Colorado, to serve as a local government member.

Liane Jollon of Durango, Colorado, to serve as a member with experience in public health.

Mark Hopkins of Broomfield, Colorado, to serve as a member with technical expertise relevant to the issues considered by the commission.

Pam Eaton of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a wildlife protection member.

Dan Gibbs, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Natural Resources or his designee.

Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment or her designee.

Gibbs and Ryan are ex-officio voting members.

Western Colorado Alliance is thrilled that the COGCC membership now includes environmental and health experts, and we are excited to work with the COGCC in the year of rule-making ahead!

About the author

Arn's career includes more than 35 years of experience in broadcast media, online advertising and branding in both Western Colorado and New York City. He is a four-time Colorado Broadcast Award winner and has also won multiple Colorado Press Association Awards. Arn also teaches Film Expression at the college level. He lives with a dramatic pit bull and a grandiose cat and enjoys painting, animating, and exploring cinema in his spare time.