Protecting your voice

Protecting your voice

Yesterday, dozens of people testified in Denver before the White House Council on Environmental Quality regarding the Trump administration’s proposal that would weaken National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) protections. Of the more than 100 people who testified, the vast majority was opposed to the changes. One of those who testified was our own Leslie Robinson, chair of the Grand Valley Citizens’ Alliance in Garfield County, who also spoke at the “Protect Your Voice” rally held earlier in the day. 

“With natural gas prices at rock bottom, now we are experiencing yet another bust. Government safety nets are already lacking – more NEPA planning and protections are needed not less,” Leslie told the Council on Environmental Quality panel. 

For over half a century, NEPA rules have protected threatened communities in Colorado and around the country by requiring federal agencies to review the environmental impacts of major actions like building large-scale energy and infrastructure projects before those efforts get off the ground. Vickie Patton, general counsel of the Environmental Defense Fund, said the new proposal would “punch loopholes into long-standing protections under the National Environmental Policy Act and would put communities at risk and worsen climate change.”

Even if you weren’t able to go to Denver to testify, you can still add your voice to the many who are fighting these changes. Sign the petition and let the White House know we want our NEPA protections!