Putting a Face on Immigration Reform

Putting a Face on Immigration Reform

Over 200 people demonstrated their support for the 2017 Dream Act on November 28 by attending the Inside Out Dreamers Project in Grand Junction. Participants took their picture in the Inside Out photo truck, then watched as it was pasted on the side of a downtown building. One face notably missing is that of U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO), who activist groups have been targeting with calls, postcards and emails to support the passage of clean immigration reform legislation before the end of the year.

The Inside Out collage includes immigrants, the descendants of immigrants and supporters alike. It brings clarity to the fact that the nearly 800,000 impacted by the misguided decision to rescind the DACA program are not numbers, but human beings, each with their own powerful story. Their stories are American stories, solidly connected to the heterogeneity of America’s heritage.

Since President Trump’s announcement on Sept. 6 that he would end the DACA program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) in six months, WCC has been working with its allies to rally support for these young “Dreamers” who were brought to the U.S. as children.

WCC co-sponsored the Inside Out event together with the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, Hispanic Affairs Project and Organizing For Action Grand Junction. The outdoor photo display, will remain in place for several weeks, and is hosted by FACTORY (750 Main Street, Grand Junction) and the Emerson Collective.

Delivering postcards to Congressman Tipton’s office, urging support of a clean Dream Act in 2017.

Following the event, several members of WCC hand-delivered more than 300 signed postcards to Congressman Tipton’s Grand Junction office. These postcards were signed at various events over the past few months throughout five counties, and urge Tipton to support the passage of Clean Dream Act legislation before the end of the year.

If Congress doesn’t pass the Dream Act soon, these young people could be arrested, jailed, and deported out of the only country they have ever known. Our voices can help to change that by urging our U.S. Senators and Representatives (like Tipton) to support a clean Dream Act.

Colorado’s US Senators Michael Bennet (D) and Cory Gardner (R) have already pledged support for such legislation. However, US Rep. Scott Tipton (R), who represents Western Colorado, has not. You can contact Tipton at:
· (202) 225-4761 in Washington DC or
· (970) 241-2499 in Grand Junction
and urge him to support the passage of a clean Dream Act before the end of the year, as a first step in fixing our broken immigration system.

About the author

Jeriel joined the Western Colorado Alliance staff in February 2017 (back when we were still Western Colorado Congress), but you may remember her as our Canvass Director for the successful Minimum Wage ballot initiative in 2016! In her young career, Jeriel has worked with engaged citizens across Colorado on issues ranging from veterans' affairs, healthcare and women’s rights. Jeriel has called Grand Junction and the Western Slope home for 16 years, and enjoys running, hiking, biking and crafting with her daughter Emma.