Raise a glass to raising the wage!

Raise a glass to raising the wage!

minwage_winWe at WCC are proud and elated to have been part of the successful campaign to raise Colorado’s minimum wage!

And we want to invite everyone to join us for a victory celebration on Thursday, Nov. 17, 5:30-7 p.m., at Charlie Dwellington’s, at 103 N. 1st St. in Grand Junction. This is a win worth a toast!

We especially want to urge all of our fantastic Amendment 70 volunteers to come. Everyone who carried a petition, tabled, canvassed or made calls – this one’s for you!

The passage of Amendment 70, to raise the wage to $12 an hour by 2020, has made national news, and will likely spur other states and cities to do the same. Colorado’s voters chose to give our working families a raise so they can better afford rising rent, health care costs and other basics.

Study after study has shown that when we put more money in the pockets of low-wage workers, they spend it locally and that helps everyone – small businesses, restaurants and the economy as a whole. It’s a win-win for our state.

The success of Amendment 70 is a testament to the power of organizing. Our coalition pulled together, knocked doors, made phone calls, and talked with voters across the state. WCC’s members and paid canvassers knocked more than 6,500 doors in Western Colorado.

It was a tremendous experience to be part of the statewide coalition behind this campaign, led by Colorado Families for a Fair Wage. We’re so proud of the hard work by our coalition partners, volunteers and business supporters on this important first step toward an economy that works for all Coloradans.