Ridgway Parking Lot Sale on May 16!

Ridgway Parking Lot Sale on May 16!

The Ridgway-Ouray Community Council (ROCC) will once again host the infamous Ridgway Parking Lot Sale on Saturday, May 16 from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm behind the Ridgway Public Library.

History of the sale

ROCC_parking_lot_saleFor many years Ridgway has had a spring community parking lot sale, hosted by Lupita’s Bizarre Bazaar. It is now held the third Saturday in May to coincide with the Love Your Valley and Beer Festival. The Ridgway Parking Lot Sale is now affiliated with the celebrated, nationwide Highway 50 Garage Sale. For 15 years, this garage sale extravaganza has been held the same weekend along US 50 from Maryland to California.

Location and directions

Ridgway is a lovely community about 25 miles south of Highway 50 in Montrose. From Montrose, take Highway 550 south to Highway 62 (also called Sherman St) – turn west. Go several blocks to Railroad Rd – go right or north for 3 blocks. The sale is on the land behind the Ridgway Public Library along Railroad St (north of Town Hall and the library).

Space allocation and cost

It is not necessary to reserve space. 10’ x 10’ spaces are marked in chalk the night before the sale. Space allocation is self-administered and done on a first-come, first-served basis.

Exhibitors may take as many spaces as they wish, but should expect to pay $15 for first 10’ x 10’ booth and $10 for each additional booth.

Example: A vendor utilizes three full spaces, with a bed that extends into a fourth space. This means the space cannot be used, or is unlikely to be used, by another exhibitor. The exhibitor is assessed and pays $45 ($15+$10+$10+$10) for four spaces.

ROCC reps collect the money from exhibitors on the day of the sale.


ROCC awards up to two complimentary spaces to qualified nonprofits participating in the sale to raise funds. It is not necessary to make prior arrangements before the sale.

Allow library patrons access

Because the Ridgway Public Library is open for business Saturday, we must be respectful of and not impede its operations in any way. It is essential that library parking – directly behind the library on its north side – remains open and accessible to patrons. We ask that vendors do not enter or use this area of the parking lot.

Vehicles/trailers and traffic flow/setup

Vendors may bring their vehicles and trailers into the exhibit area briefly to unload before the 8:30 start time, then must remove them. Exhibitor vehicles should enter the exhibit area at the north end furthest from the library and exit using the south end (closest to the library).

By 8:30 am, all vehicles should be out of the exhibit area and parked on the street. If you do not remove your vehicle or trailer, please understand you are opting to pay for the space it occupies.

Example: A vendor uses one 10’ x 10’ space ($15) for household goods and has  heavy furniture and equipment on a flatbed truck he wants to park in the exhibit area adjoining his booth. The truck occupies the equivalent of three booth spaces ($30). He pays $45.


Please park only on the street. Do not park in the vacant lot west of exhibits. That land is private property and the owner has specifically requested it not be used for parking.

Donating/removing leftover goods

Second Chance Thrift Shop officials will be on site at the community garage sale from 10 am on to receive any unsold items exhibitors wish to donate. Second Chance no longer accepts any kind of electronic equipment and may refuse other items it considers unsellable.

Exhibitors are responsible for removing all items after the sale. Please keep in mind ROOC is a volunteer organization and not equipped to do this for you.

Rain out

May 16 is the only day designated for the sale, and we have no reschedule date. If it rains, it rains. Should the day start with precipitation but improve, we recommend a late set up. In the case of totally uncooperative weather, we hope our exhibitors will be able to participate in our spring sale next year on May 14, 2016.


Contact Roze @ 970-626-4194 (land line with no texting capability) or evanslowande@me.com

About the author

After working for our Alliance for 32 years, Brenda retired in 2018 and took a two-year hiatus before rejoining the fold as a board member. She is a treasure trove of little known facts about the organization after managing everything from the membership database to our communications. Her other interests include dabbling in a number of artforms, hiking, botany (her college major), t'ai chi and chi gung, and swing dancing. With roots in western Washington state, she has lived in Montrose with her husband Kevin since 1984.