State rules against health and safety on the heels of approving “the worst drilling application” in a residential area

State rules against health and safety on the heels of approving “the worst drilling application” in a residential area




January 14, 2019

State rules against health and safety on the heels of approving “the worst drilling application” in a residential area

The Colorado Supreme Court today delivered a blow to communities across Colorado who have been working to protect their neighborhood and schools from the negative impacts of oil and gas development. The court overturned the Martinez vs. COGCC Appeals Court ruling that found the agency was failing to adequately balance public health and environmental concerns when making oil and gas permitting decisions.

This decision comes days after the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission staff approved the controversial BMC A Pad, part of the second phase of oil and gas development in the Western Slope community of Battlement Mesa. This will put 24 natural gas wells, a wastewater injection well and associated equipment barely 500 ft away from a mobile park neighborhood. Pad A is also less than 500 ft from Battlement Mesa’s wastewater treatment plant and close to the water treatment plant. The pad will be about 900 feet from the Colorado River and cut into a 90 foot hillside at the base of the trailer park.

Battlement Concerned Citizens and the Grand Valley Citizens Alliance, local citizens groups affiliated with Western Colorado Alliance, are considering what steps to take as a result of this decision.

“The Supreme Court decision today adds insult to injury for residents dealing with oil and gas development in their communities.  Approving this project, in addition to the 52 wells already in place, will only increase the health risks to the residents of Battlement Mesa and make it a less desirable place to live. The approval of the A Pad makes it clear the regulatory process is not working to protect people and the environment.” Battlement Concerned Citizens Chairman Dave Devanney said.

“This is the worst drilling application in the state; it is a huge industrial operation within a thousand feet of dozens of homes and community infrastructure,” Devanney said. “The likelihood is too great that an industrial accident could jeopardize the Colorado River, Battlement Mesa’s municipal water plant as well as damage the nearby homes.”

“The local and state government officials who are supposed to protect citizens have let us down,” Devanney added.

Pad A is part of the Ursa Phase 2 development plan that will bring in another 50 plus wells and tanks next to Battlement Mesa homes. There have been numerous complaints about unpleasant and potentially hazardous odors, traffic, and noise, during the first phase of development already underway in the community.

“We are going to ask Governor Polis and the new directors at the Department of Natural Resources and the Colorado O&G Conservation Commission to intervene on the worst drilling proposal in the state,” Grand Valley Citizens Alliance chair Leslie Robinson said. “If Pad A with an injection well goes forward in Battlement Mesa, this could set a precedent to drill even closer to homes on the Front Range,” Robinson said.

“These two decisions make it clear that the law is just wrong and rigged to support the industry. At this point, it is clear we need an overhaul of the COGCC and the regulatory system of the industry in order to make policy to protect the people,” Robinson concluded.

GVCA members have been involved with setback issues since 1997. Battlement Concerned Citizens was formed when drilling was proposed within the PUD in 2009.

“Unfortunately, folks here in Battlement Mesa have had to deal with oil and gas industrial development less than 1,000 ft from their homes for the past nine years,” Devanney said. “And now more is coming. It is beyond time for a change in Colorado oil and gas law.”

About the author

Emily stepped up as our staff director in 2017, but originally joined our team as a community organizer in 2013. Born and raised on the Western Slope, Emily graduated from Colorado State University and then had the privilege of learning from and working alongside organizers in Central and South America as well as Appalachian coal country. They returned to their home state to protect the land they love and work with fellow Coloradans for a healthy, just and self-reliant future for our rural communities. Emily enjoys organizing, exploring the Colorado Plateau, country music and punk concerts with equal passion.