Staying vigilant in a time of pandemic

Staying vigilant in a time of pandemic

During these days when we find ourselves separated from our family and friends and uncertainty prevails, we hope that you are well and finding ways to connect with those you care about. Cesar Chavez writes simply that “Together, all things are possible.” We are all experiencing challenges and adapting to different ways of living. At Western Colorado Alliance, we continue to connect with our members and groups through electronic means in order to impact issues we all care about.

Long ago I was introduced to the music of a singer/songwriter named John Prine. He recently passed away due to complications associated with COVID-19. In his 1971 song “Paradise” he wrote:

“Then the coal company came with the world’s largest shovel, and they tortured the timber and they stripped all the land, they dug for their coal ‘til the land was forsaken, and wrote it all down as the progress of man.”

In this moment, as we all cope with the challenges of the day and remain sensitive to the tragedies that have been unfolding daily, we must be vigilant in our work to ensure that the health and welfare of our communities remain a high priority.

As you are able, we welcome your voice and invite you to join the efforts of Western Colorado Alliance as together we redefine “progress” and strive to create healthy, just, and self-reliant communities now and into the future.
We wish you and your family health and wellness, hoping that soon we will be able to gather together knowing that all things are possible.

About the author

Steve left the teaching profession in 2014 and has entered “refinement,” a term he coined to use in place of “retirement.” For Steve, refinement is about digging into those things he loves: family and grandsons (3), music, backpacking/hiking with his wife and friends, and helping to create healthy soils in which to grow vegetables for the community. He is also a leader in our Mesa County chapter's clean energy program. Steve is a former President of the Western Colorado Alliance Board of Directors.