Strategic focus and growth for our Alliance

Strategic focus and growth for our Alliance

If you joined us for the Western Colorado Alliance’s Annual Conference last year (and I hope you did!), you might remember that we were ready to dive into a new strategic plan to guide our work over the next three years.

Over the years, our Alliance has grown in size and influence, and today it is one of the most respected and influential community organizations in the region. Key to our work is our desire and ability to bring together people from diverse backgrounds and communities to work toward a common goal. We’ve been successful in building a strong network of members and supporters who are committed to our work in promoting social, economic, and environmental justice in the region. We want to make sure that we move ahead with intention as we expand our work and our impact as a grassroots community organization.

Annual Conference attendees in 2022 got to take a first crack at brainstorming ideas, inspiration, and potential changes to consider as our Alliance looks ahead to the near future. We want to make sure we’re on track to realize our mission of building grassroots power through community organizing and leadership development, as well as our vision to create a future where engaged
local voices are leading communities across Western Colorado that are healthy, just, and self-reliant.
With the mission and vision in mind, members and affiliate groups have come together in smaller meetings across the region over the past year to discuss what our Alliance needs to prioritize in the next few years.

The plan we’ve put together helps us to identify big, hairy, audacious goals for our Alliance that are based on your feedback and that are specific and measurable for the next three years. As our Alliance continues to grow, we remain committed to our mission and vision looking forward. We also remain committed to you, our members, and the work that most impacts your community.

Looking to the future, our Alliance is well-positioned to continue its growth. With our strong network of members and supporters, our focus on grassroots organizing and community building, and our partnerships with ally organizations, we are poised to be the leading voice for social, economic, and environmental justice in Western Colorado for many years to come. We’re putting the final touches on the strategic plan this summer and can’t wait to share it with you at this year’s conference on August 26.

About the author

Andreya has a background in secondary education, and currently works with the nonprofit District 51 Foundation. She is an active leader on local issue campaign teams in Grand Junction and Mesa County. In addition to the Western Colorado Alliance board, Andreya chairs the Grand Valley Parks and Recreation Foundation, and is on the board of the Western Organization of Resource Councils.