October 1, 2020

A victory 20 years in the making

This week, after 20 years of grassroots organizing with impacted landowners and everyday folks across Western Colorado, Western Colorado Alliance and our allies won precedent-setting rules […]
August 24, 2020

Community and Conservation Organizations Weigh in on Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Mission Change Rulemaking

Today, as the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) kicks off their historic mission change rulemaking, Conservation Colorado, the League of Oil and Gas Impacted […]
May 29, 2020

Conservation groups move to defend air quality protections

Seven conservation groups with thousands of members across Colorado have jointly filed motions to intervene in two lawsuits that are challenging recently adopted air quality protections […]
June 19, 2019

Western Slope Organizations brace for long COGCC rulemaking process

On Tuesday, June 18, 2019, the first of a series of rulemakings to reform the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to prioritize public health and […]
May 20, 2019

Polis Appoints New COGCC Members

Governor Jared Polis announced on Friday the appointment of members to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC). Until July 1, 2020, the members of […]
March 8, 2019

Schools Gain Greater Buffer from Oil and Gas Facilities

Last December, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) voted unanimously to increase the setback distance for oil and gas operations near schools. This rule […]
February 14, 2019
Grand Valley Citizen's Alliance - Battlement Concerned Citizens

Battlement Mesa Residents file suit in Denver District Court to stop BMC A Pad

This week, Battlement Concerned Citizens and Grand Valley Citizens Alliance brought suit against the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in Denver District Court to request […]
December 18, 2018

Schools gain greater buffer from oil and gas facilities

Today, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) unanimously passed a rule that will require new oil and gas development to be set back 1,000 […]
December 10, 2018

Let’s have one set of rules for oil & gas

by Rodger Steen, chair of the Alliance’s Oil & Gas Committee [also appearing in the December 9 Grand Junction Daily Sentinel] The Nov. 29, 2018 letter […]