November 29, 2018

Oil & gas activists hopeful despite ballot defeat

by Emily Hornback, Staff Director Proposition 112, an initiative to move new oil and gas facilities 2,500 feet away from homes, schools, streams and other sensitive […]
December 15, 2016

Battlement wells approved, but fight continues

Residents win precedent-setting conditions of approval This fall, residents of Battlement Mesa reached a mile marker in their ongoing campaign to keep large-scale oil and gas […]
September 12, 2016

Residents call on the Governor to save Battlement Mesa

Today, Battlement Concerned Citizens decried the final decision from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) on the second of two natural gas pads now […]
August 29, 2016

Residents ask oil & gas commission to “just say no”

by Doug Saxton, Co-chair of the Battlement Concerned Citizens Recent developments concerning well pads in and around Battlement Mesa have people here shaking their heads over […]
July 19, 2016

Battlement Mesa residents call on COGCC to protect drinking water

Residents of Battlement Mesa spoke before the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission today, decrying the recent approval of 28 natural gas wells inside their community […]
July 15, 2016

Oil and Gas Commision meeting comes to Glenwood Springs

Now is the time to speak up for Battlement Mesa   After years of traveling to Denver to speak before the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation […]
June 22, 2016

Battlement Mesa residents win right to speak at COGCC hearing 

Battlement Concerned Citizens and the Grand Valley Citizens Alliance have won the right to speak before the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission on two permits […]
February 29, 2016

State bill would level the oil & gas playing field

Email your senator to ensure the COGCC works for people, not industry It’s not often a good oil and gas bill gets introduced in the Colorado […]
February 3, 2016

Ursa’s permits to drill in Battlement Mesa are open for comment

The applications to build two well pads, 53 wells, and an associated pipeline system in Battlement Mesa are now before the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation […]