GJ Community Center

March 5, 2019

Putting a Community Center on the Ballot

It’s been a long time coming, but on April 2, 2019, residents of Grand Junction will finally get to vote on whether or not they think […]
November 29, 2018

Community center team preps for April ballot

by Andreya Krieves, Grand Junction The team that has worked for three years towards its vision for a Grand Junction Community Center has much to celebrate […]
September 20, 2018

The votes are in! Success!

The GJ Community Center Campaign is thrilled to announce that at last night’s city council meeting, councilors present voted unanimously to put a community center measure […]
September 4, 2018

5K Fun Run: Help kickstart the community center campaign!

For the past three years, our Alliance in Mesa County has been building support for a community center that the people of Grand Junction deserve: a […]
July 20, 2018

Yes! Building GJ community center is feasible!

by Marty McDaneld, Grand Junction On July 16, a standing room-only crowd heard the recommendations from PLACE for a Community Center for Grand Junction. The study […]
July 3, 2018

Is a GJ Community & Recreation Center feasible?

You are invited for a first look at the results of the Grand Junction Community Center feasibility study as we present the study’s results to the Grand Junction […]
April 16, 2018

Community center feasibility study entering final stages

Should we have a community center in Grand Junction? Where should it be, what should be in it, and what is the community willing to pay to […]