
November 5, 2020

State takes steps to cut methane emissions by ending venting and flaring of natural gas

COGCC decision affects oil drillers in Weld and Jackson counties The state of Colorado reasserted its role as a national leader in the fight against climate […]
August 24, 2020

Community and Conservation Organizations Weigh in on Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Mission Change Rulemaking

Today, as the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) kicks off their historic mission change rulemaking, Conservation Colorado, the League of Oil and Gas Impacted […]
November 10, 2015

Join WCC in Denver to Testify on New Oil and Gas Rules

Let’s Make it Clear: Drilling Rigs Do Not Belong in Neighborhoods! After almost two years of ballot initiatives, task force deliberations, and months of stakeholder meetings, […]
October 7, 2015

“Residential Drilling Rule” fails to protect impacted communities

Proposed new state rules that were supposed to give communities relief from oil and gas impacts have instead become a mechanism to ensure that industrial-scale operations […]
May 22, 2015

Oil & gas proposals headed to rule-making

by Emily Hornback, WCC Organizer Bob Arrington called it. Writing in the Spring edition of WCC’s newsletter, the Clarion, he predicted that meaningful reform was unlikely […]
March 7, 2014

Colorado passes ground-breaking air quality regs

Congratulations, Colorado! People across the state will breathe a little easier now that the Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) has passed new rules.  In late February, […]
February 18, 2014

Counties with air quality problems oppose new rules

by Bob Arrington, Battlement Concerned Citizens and Grand Valley Citizens Alliance To whom it may concern (and it should be everybody), I have been working with […]
February 7, 2014

Historic air regs proposed for Colorado

by Frank Smith, WCC Director of Organizing The Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) has proposed rules that would reduce emissions from oil & gas operations […]
February 15, 2013

State moves drilling rigs back, just a little

by Frank Smith, WCC Director of Organizing Earlier this week, the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) decided just how far oil & gas should […]