
April 2, 2021

A year of major oil & gas victories!

As the spring of 2021 draws near, our Alliance finally has the opportunity to catch its breath after an intense year of engaging with state regulators […]
December 18, 2018

Schools gain greater buffer from oil and gas facilities

Today, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) unanimously passed a rule that will require new oil and gas development to be set back 1,000 […]
November 14, 2018

With defeat of Prop 112, attention shifts to Air Quality Commission

by Dave Devanney, Battlement Mesa also printed as a Guest Commentary in the Denver Post, 11/9/2018 Oil and gas development is reaching into every nook and […]
April 13, 2017

Senate committee rejects school setback rule

WCC and the Grand Valley Citizens Alliance are deeply disappointed with the Colorado Senate’s Agriculture, Natural Resources and Energy Committee‘s 6-5 vote along party lines against […]
March 16, 2017

Protect school kids – not just school buildings – from fracking

Ask your legislators to support House Bill 1256! Exciting news: a bill that we and our allies have been eagerly awaiting has finally dropped in the […]
November 10, 2015

Join WCC in Denver to Testify on New Oil and Gas Rules

Let’s Make it Clear: Drilling Rigs Do Not Belong in Neighborhoods! After almost two years of ballot initiatives, task force deliberations, and months of stakeholder meetings, […]
October 7, 2015

“Residential Drilling Rule” fails to protect impacted communities

Proposed new state rules that were supposed to give communities relief from oil and gas impacts have instead become a mechanism to ensure that industrial-scale operations […]
August 6, 2014

Deal struck on O&G ballot measures

Big News This Week: Ballot measures related to oil & gas will not be on the Colorado ticket this November. On the day petitions were to […]
February 15, 2013

State moves drilling rigs back, just a little

by Frank Smith, WCC Director of Organizing Earlier this week, the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) decided just how far oil & gas should […]