Spruce Beetle

February 9, 2016

WCC paves the way for collaboration on 120,000 acre spruce beetle plan

Spruce beetle and aspen treatment plan released for final review  After two and a half years of negotiations, the Forest Service released its final proposal to treat over […]
June 17, 2015

Massive forest treatment plan proposed

Public presentations scheduled in Montrose, Ouray and Grand Junction The Forest Service has released its long-awaited draft plan to manage spruce beetle and aspen decline impacts […]
January 22, 2015

Comment on aspen/spruce management by Feb 2

by Emily Hornback, WCC Organizer The deadline to provide input to the US Forest Service on its plans for “Spruce Beetle Epidemic and Aspen Decline Management […]
April 14, 2014

Workshop focuses on spruce beetle, aspen decline

After months of waiting, the US Forest Service is holding its second stakeholder workshop for the Spruce Beetle and Sudden Aspen Decline treatment project (SPEADMR) on […]