
November 20, 2021

Casting sunlight on Tri-State’s Electric Resource Plan

Two years ago, Western Colorado Alliance members worked to build bipartisan support for Colorado legislation that opened a window to cheaper, cleaner energy for our communities. […]
November 5, 2021

Download your Tri-State Commenting Guide today!

For years, Colorado rural electric co-op customers have been stuck with some of the costliest, dirtiest energy in the West. In 2019, our communities rallied to […]
October 15, 2021

Tri-State Clean Energy Action Tour this October

For years, Colorado rural electric co-op customers have been stuck with some of the costliest, dirtiest energy in the West. In 2019, our communities rallied to […]
August 20, 2021

Get rural clean energy passed in Congress!

Federal infrastructure policies are being battled out on the Hill in D.C. and we’re presenting you with one last big opportunity to keep Colorado’s Senators focused […]
July 29, 2021

Solving coal debt offers a path forward

As American energy innovation marches forward, advanced energy technologies like wind and solar are plummeting in cost, rendering legacy industries like coal uneconomic and uncompetitive. Communities […]
June 18, 2021

Recent big local wins in clean energy!

In recent Clarion issues, we’ve discussed some of the groundbreaking state policy wins happening right here in Colorado for the clean energy economy. This month, we’re […]
June 18, 2021

Many victories — and more work ahead!

Due to the pandemic, this year has been unlike any other for Western Colorado Alliance’s Legislative Committee. Usually, we would take a trip to the legislature […]
April 23, 2021

Three BIG Legislative wins for the West Slope

As the 2021 legislative session was coming up, our Alliance’s committees were preparing to support three hefty bills, each very different in topic. Generally, while our […]
April 2, 2021

Lightning-fast progress in clean energy

There’s no understating the lightning-fast progress that clean energy policy, jobs, and opportunity have made in Colorado these past three years. Though the pandemic has shaken […]