Tell the BLM: No Lease Sales Until We Have the Data

Tell the BLM: No Lease Sales Until We Have the Data

Autumn landscape. Birch tree forest

The BLM is currently analyzing 27 parcels for the March 2020 Oil and Gas lease sale. Those parcels contain over 20,000 acres, 100% of which is in Northwest Colorado, and most of which is in the North Park area.
If the protection of public lands and wildlife is important to you, then we are asking that you comment to the BLM immediately. Specifically, we’re asking that you demand the BLM defer all lease sale parcels in North Park until they can analyze the cumulative effects on the people, wildlife, water and air under BLM management.

To comment, follow these simple steps:

1. Go to the BLM planning site.

2. Toward the bottom of the screen, you’ll see “NWD_Parcel_List_Mar2020_Scoping.” To the far right of that, you’ll see a button that says, “Comment on Document >>.” Click on that button.
It’s easiest if you generate your comments as a separate document, then upload it using the instructions you see on the Planning site explaining how to comment.

It’s important that Colorado residents comment as soon as possible on these lease sales! Let the BLM know we care about the effects of reckless oil and gas development on Colorado’s beautiful wilderness!