“The best Lobby Trip yet!”

“The best Lobby Trip yet!”

In March, Western Colorado Alliance continued its tradition of conducting the “People’s Lobby Trip,” battling snow-packed highways and a very busy docket to bring a couple dozen Western Colorado residents to the Capitol in Denver to talk directly with legislators about bills which make a real difference to the health, justice, and self-reliance of Western Colorado communities. By all accounts, this year’s trip (the first since 2020, due to the pandemic) was a huge success!

We were excited to have all our local residents join us, but want to say a special “Thank You!” to our West Slope Youth Voice students for representing the largest contingency of West Slope student perspectives yet! We had 13 students join us on this year’s trip, and they were a majority of the attendees.

You can get a small taste of the adventure in this short video, prepared by our Alliance’s own political director, Joel Dyar!